Restprodukt-bearbetning i Boden AB
REBAB processes several types of waste and investigates the ways to use ashes from incinerators in different applications. Annually received 25 000t of waste is used in production of central distributed heating for 30 000 people in Boden.
REBAB receives big amount of industrial wastes, insulation, and plaster waste, that could be reused. REBAB manages slurry production, where 12 000 ton of food waste is processed into liquid for further biogas production. REBAB has considerable knowledge and expertise working with different types of waste as a secondary raw material.
We are interested in participating in NOWA because we believe in mutual benefits of knowledge and expertise transfer among waste management stakeholders in the Aurora region. We have practical knowledge and many years of experience how to deal with many different waste streams. We also have a broad contact network in Swedish waste handling sector, that will benefit the project partnership in achieving the project goals.